Thursday, 23 January 2014

Lesson Plans for Immigration

When researching school immigration projects, the lesson plans also appear which are just as interesting. More so, it specifies the aims and achievements that are targeted as an outcome from this learning experience for students. For example,

When just observing at a glance upon this website, you notice that its an 'Introduction into Immigration' which starts in the 6th grade (11-12 years of age), which seems to be a fairly young age. Alongside this, this lesson is taught in U.S History which poses the question of whether Americans believe immigration is a thing of the past? Or believe it is becoming less significant in terms of the future? To try and answer these questions, there seems to be another motif for these teachings as they are trying to relate immigration experiences to the problems young children are facing. For example,  ' By having students understand the difficulties immigrants face while also recognizing that everyone at sometime becomes the“new kid,” ' Comparing the change of immigrates to the change young children are going through.

In the interest of the melting pot or a salad bowl, it barely mentions anything related to a changing or moulding of an American, which could suggest it may be a sensitive subject being discussed in this class. Due to the lesson plan being aimed at 6th graders, it seems they are using immigration as a relatable subject to the students personal issues rather than looking at immigration contextually. Therefore the depth in discussion, in terms of the 'melting pot' or 'salad bowl' could be down to the age group/ grade it is targeted at.

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